P1 Identifying a Lead

Identifying an EmpathyLab Lead and Forming a Working Party

• We ask schools to appoint an EmpathyLab Lead who is involved from the start of the project alongside senior school leaders. This is often a Deputy/Assistant Head or an English or Health and Wellbeing Lead. 
Your choice will depend on your school’s structure and staff. 

• In secondary schools it is vital to establish a cross-curricula working party. Members need a clear remit to progress the project in their subject area, and contribute to whole school methodology. 

• This working party structure can also be used in primary schools. However you structure things, your Lead needs to be working with a clearly identified team of colleagues. 

• The staff involved in this group need an good understanding of the whole project, its intended outcomes in their community and in their departments. They need also to have a commitment to be champions of the ideology underpinning this work. 

• Regular meetings and a clear remit will be needed to maintain the momentum of this group. 
There is a model for a Secondary school in the Resource portal and in Phase 2 after the CPD 2 this group can start to
 work and begin to deliver on the planned outcomes in the school action plan. 


  • For your Lead, choose an opinion former who will inspire energy and enthusiasm in others and with the skills to plan and manage the programme’s different elements

  • In your secondary school working party include representatives from every subject area including maths and science.

  • Try to involve staff sympathetic to the programme’s ethos who will carry weight with peers.   



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