Understanding those around us better
Use these author films to inspire young people to put empathy into action.
Suggested dates 4 – 10 November
The first weekly focus of #EmpathyActionMonth is Family and Friends. Use this week to inspire young people to consider those immediately around them. How can they put empathy into action to understand them better?
Don't forget to capture your actions! Use the Empathy Resolution bunting, make empathy paper chains, make a colourful display or film your students taking part in Empathy Action Month, for example, to recognise the impact their actions are having.
FREE Empathy Shorts – Click to download
Family and Friends – reading recommendations
Family and Friends
Ian Eagleton
Illustrated by James Mayhew
Family and Friends
Catherine Rayner
Family and Friends
Joseph Coelho
Illustrated by David Barrow
Family and Friends
Jion Sheibani
Family and Friends
Benjamin Dean