Week 1 – Family and Friends

Understanding those around us better

Use these author films to inspire young people to put empathy into action.

Suggested dates 4 – 10 November

The first weekly focus of #EmpathyActionMonth is Family and Friends. Use this week to inspire young people to consider those immediately around them. How can they put empathy into action to understand them better?

  • Watch Ian Eagleton explain what family and friends mean to him
  • Use the video from Tom Percival to guide written and creative work around bullying
  • Use our reading recommendations and Empathy Shorts below to support this week's focus

Don't forget to capture your actions! Use the Empathy Resolution bunting, make empathy paper chains, make a colourful display or film your students taking part in Empathy Action Month, for example, to recognise the impact their actions are having.

FREE Empathy Shorts – Click to download

Family and Friends – reading recommendations

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