Look back at the 2023 Mission Empathy Challenge
The 2023 Mission Empathy challenge was made up of FIVE creative, empathy-building activities to complete in class or at home:
1. Empathy Power Reads
This isn't reading as you know it, this is reading for empathy.
For more information on the activity & its resources click here.
2. Empathy 360°
See the world through the eyes of others.
For more information on the activity & its resources click here.
3. Empathy Exchange
Step out of your normal bubble & connect with someone you don't know.
For more information on the activity & its resources click here.
4. Empathy Emotions Map
Empathy is about understanding and sharing feelings.
For more information on the activity & its resources click here.
5. Make an Empathy Resolution
How can YOU change things for the better through empathy?
For more information on the activity & its resources click here.
We'll be reflecting on our Empathy Resolutions in November as a part of Empathy Action Month! Get yours ready and find out more here.
These activities help children read for empathy, understand each other better, and make a resolution to put empathy into action.
Each activity is designed to help develop a key empathy skill such as empathic communication, perspective-taking, emotional vocabulary and prosocial attitudes.
To learn more about the challenge and to keep track of your progress, use the Mission Empathy Guide and Bookmarks. When you have completed your empathy mission, you can print and display your Mission Empathy Certificate. Click on the images to download the PDFs.