Generate whole school debate and excitement about the characters
Campaigning for characters
Pupils chosen to champion each one of the shortlisted characters. They develop arguments to show how the character displayed empathy (drama, hot seating etc). Activities could include:
- Pupil voice opportunities for modelling, mentoring, and shared reading
- Draw in expressive arts curricula strands – art, drama,
- Events/films promoting each character allowing pupils to present their thoughts and ideas for each character
- Pupils create persuasive publicity and presentations using the posters displayed around the school to engage everyone
- Include character information in library displays, school newsletters, school Twitter, website, local newsletters,
- At the end of the month or in early June pupils cast their vote –ballot boxes around the school, counting takes place.
- Involve parents and adults in the school in multi- generational reading groups
Prepare for The Empathys ceremony
- School planning for The Empathys award ceremony, roles allocated and planning who in the community they will invite
- Community partners/families invited and involved