6m - TES Feb

6 Month Programme

A Step-by-Step Guide to Running

Empathy Awards - Primary


Teaching pupils about empathy; launch deep reading


Online check-in meetings with EmpathyLab

School reviews plans with EmpathyLab and ensures everyone is familiar with the resources


School introduces the programme to the school community and starts to integrate a new empathy-focused book practice across the school

1: Introduce empathy concepts and programme to pupils through Launch assemblies/tutor group, library sessions which explain the concept of empathy to children and gets them excited about the awards.


2: Schools explains the programme and rationale to parent and Governors, for example through school newsletter, email to parents.


3: Ensure a wide range of books are available to pupils.


4: Deep empathy-focused immersion in empathy-rich texts begin in the classroom teaching. This should include:

  • Encourage lots of book talking to immerse pupils in reflecting on characters
  • Teachers and adults in school role modelling discussion about empathetic characters
  • Involve pupils in developing creative activities to help pupils see the perspective of characters and consider how they can get the whole year group, school involved
  • Encourage lots discussion and debate about characters in books -motivation, immersion, start to identify characters who demonstrate empathy in stories. What are the lessons we can learn from these characters?


Support Resources

Assembly/Tutor Groups plans

Assembly plans


Character based activity ideas


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