!Design Copy of EmpathyLab in the Media

EmpathyLab in the news

Our work has gained attention since being established, from industry press to national papers, and children's media. A full list of coverage is below and you can find out what we're up to at the moment under EmpathyLab News on our Home page.

How to be an Empathy Superhero!
25 August 2023

'One of the children told us: "empathy means to me that you show passion or that you care for somebody and you don’t just care about yourself, you care about others"’

National Literacy Trust shared a recap of our live Empathy Day schools event featuring 500+ children. Read teachers' and pupils' accounts here. 

How reading can build empathy
8 June 2023

'Stories are a training ground for understanding other people's emotions.'

As part of Empathy Day, EmpathyLab director Miranda Mckearney shared five tips and tools for using reading to build empathy. Read the full article here. 

How to be kinder to people and why it's good for your wellbeing
8 June 2023

'Many researchers studying the science of kindness have shown that empathy is often the key foundation that leads to kindness'

This article from BBC Bitesize highlighted the power of empathy in helping us be kinder people, and the benefits this has on for mental health. Read the full post here.

Reading for Empathy with older children - Twinkl Originals
2 June 2023

'We experience the characters’ feelings as if they are real, and can therefore understand and experience the emotions and perspectives of people who are different from us.'

Twinkl Originals released two joint blogs with EmpathyLab in the lead up to Empathy Day. Read the their post on ways to help young children read for empathy here.

Reading for Empathy with young children - Twinkl Originals
2 June 2023

'A recent study has found that only 10% of our empathic ability is genetic. It’s a skill all of us can develop, at any point in our lives.'

Twinkl Originals released two joint blogs with EmpathyLab in the lead up to Empathy Day. Read the their post on ways to help young children read for empathy here.

'Becoming the best version of ourselves': The crucial importance of empath
26 May 2023

'Stories and poems are important; they help us to imagine, to see into another person's experience and look out at the world with their eyes.'

Read For Empathy author Nicola Davies explored  her thoughts on empathy and the role books play in inspiring it in children. Read the full post here.

Book of the Week: We've Got This!
25 May 2023

'learn interesting facts about how empathy really works, and discover lots of fun activities and games you can try at home, at school, or out and about.'

The Week Junior selected our empathy handbook as Book of the Week. Read the full profile here.

Empathy Day 2023: Reading for pleasure and empathy
17 May 2023

'Our friends at EmpathyLab lead the way in offering support in relation to understanding and nurturing empathy in the classroom and at home.'

National Literacy Trust shared a blog in the lead up to Empathy Day 2023 about the important links betweeen reading for pleasure and empathy. Read the full profile here.

EmpathyLab on its next step with its first book
5 May  2023

'a practical handbook that helps children understand empathy'

The Bookseller did a piece on the launch of our first book for children in partnership with Quarto Books and Rashmi Sirdeshpande, We've Got This!.  Read the full article here.

2023 Read for Empathy book collection announced
8 February 2023

'Worldwide, there are different approaches to empathy education, but the UK is unique in trialling EmpathyLab‘s strategies which systematically exploit the power of literature to build empathy.'

The Primary Times explored the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection, particularly regarding its significance to the growing empathy education movement in the UK. Read the full article here.

Marcus Rashford and Joseph Coelho make children’s empathy book list
8 February 2023

'...offering young people different ways of experiencing, understanding and building empathy'

The Independent covered the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection. Read the full article here.

Marcus Rashford and Joseph Coelho make children’s empathy book list
8 February 2023

'65 books, aimed at three to 16-year-olds, that have been chosen by expert judges'

The Belfast Telegraph covered the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection. Read the full article here.

Books by Ainsworth, Chan and Coehlo among Read for Empathy collection 2023
8 February 2023

'We’ve been reading for nine months, carefully choosing a 2023 Read for Empathy collection with maximum relevance'

Lauren Brown from The Bookseller covered the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection. Read the full article here.

Books by Ainsworth, Chan and Coehlo among Read for Empathy collection 2023
8 February 2023

'We’ve been reading for nine months, carefully choosing a 2023 Read for Empathy collection with maximum relevance'

Lauren Brown from The Bookseller covered the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection. Read the full article here.

Marcus Rashford and Joseph Coelho make children’s empathy book list
8 February 2023

'insights into issues like economic hardship, war, homelessness and hearing loss.

The Evening Standard covered the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection. Read the full article here.

Marcus Rashford and Joseph Coelho make children’s empathy book list
8 February 2023

'The annual list is to be used as a guide for parents and teachers.'

Yahoo News covered the launch of the Read for Empathy 2023 collection. Read the full article here.

Queen’ is UK children’s word of the year for 2022

17 January 2023

Almost half of the children surveyed by an Oxford University Press study chose ‘Queen’ as their top word, with ‘happy’ and ‘chaos’ in second and third place.

Miranda McKearney, founder of EmpathyLab, said the choice of “Queen” “highlights how affected children were by the emotions and sense of community and connection around the Jubilee and the Queen’s death”. You can read more here.

Developing empathy in Early Years – a unique window of opportunity

15 April 2022

''Compassionate and caring adults play a massive role in supporting children’s empathy.'

One of EmpathyLab's founders, Sarah Mears shares her insights into the importance of teaching empathy for early years children and recommends a variety of empathy-rich texts for them to enjoy. You can read her article here.

Changing the agenda

11 March 2022

'......the scheme comes when the need is great...'

Miranda McKearney reveals the thinking behind Empathy Builders, the powerful new partnership between EmpathyLab and 40 children's publishers. Read the full article here.

Top Texts for February 2022

8 February 2022

'...powerful texts for early and secondary years'.

Our founder Miranda McKearney was delighted to be asked to chose the February top texts for the Open University Reading for Pleasure. Check out her selection of stories for both primary and secondary children here.

Empathy: Our Human Superpower

26 January 2022

'....books which subtly explored feelings and which conveyed no judgement allowing children’s and young people’s empathy to grow as they got to know the characters'.

Kevin Cobane, one of the judges for the 2022 Read for Empathy secondary collection explains the 'empathy angles' when selecting texts for final list. Read his blog post for Peters here.

EmpathyLab launches new collections

26 January 2022

'Science shows that empathy is learnable and that reading is an important empathy-building tool.....'

Brand new Read for Empathy collection launched today. More here.

The transformative power of empathy and creativity.

17 January 2022

'Creativity blossoms when people learn to understand each other and to love and value difference and diversity. For this reason, empathy is inextricably linked with creativity'.

Fascinating Arts Council blog from Sarah Mears, co-founder of EmpathyLab. Read the full post here.

TES - My Best Teacher Podcast with Michael Rosen

29th October 2021

'..what makes us human is our contact with other people….empathy is crucial….if each one of us is a brick, empathy is discussing what sticking the bricks together is…’

Legendary children's writer Michael Rosen talks about his school days and his latest book, ‘Sticky McStickstick’. He also discusses the importance of empathy and his work with EmpathyLab. Listen here or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Empathy Day in Dubai

18 June 2021

'...pupils were encouraged to come to school in different shoes as we grew our empathy muscles through discussing the thoughts and the feelings of the original owners of the shoes'.

Find out how GEMS Wellington Academy in Dubai celebrated Empathy Day here.

What we got up to on Empathy Day

11 June 2021

'We recognise that the past 15 months have been challenging for all of us, and to have the gift of a few hours can be a true act of empathy'.

Staff at Nosy Crow publishers, a member of the Empathy Circle, were all given the morning off on Empathy Day. Find out how they used that time to build their empathy skills (and some garden furniture!) Read their blog here.

The Quiet Revolution

10 June 2021

'Teaching about empathy can help children to understand one another in hugely powerful ways which promote tolerance and act as a spur to real social change'.

Key thoughts on empathy from a author/teacher perspective. Read this fascinating article by author Cath Howe here.

Questions for: Miranda McKearney

8 June 2021

Fascinating questionnaire with EmpathyLab founder Miranda McKearney. What's the next big thing? Biggest challenge in your job? Most influential person in your career? What do you most like doing when you're not working? Find out all the answers here.

5 ways children can learn to be more empathetic

7 June 2021

'We’re not just stuck with the empathy quotient we’re born with – scientists say that only 10% of our empathic capacity is genetic'

Miranda McKearney, EmpathyLab founder explains how children can learn to be more empathetic. Read the full article here.

Wellbeing and the importance of empathy

5 June 2021

Feature spread in The Week Junior. Click here to read the full article.

Origins - Teacher Hug Radio

5 June 2021

Toria Bono talks to Miranda McKearney, EmpathyLab founder, about what drives her and how you turn a kitchen table idea into a nationwide campaign. Tune in here on Saturday 5 June.

Empathy Day - teaching resources

1 June 2021

We are delighted that Empathy Day is featuring on the BBC Teach website this year. To view all the BBC resources that support Empathy Day, please click here.

Can empathy be learnt?

28 May 2021

'In difficult times, empathy keeps people connected and cared for. Sadly, we have also witnessed what happens when empathy is lacking – hatred, racism and misogyny fill the void'. 

EmpathyLab founder Sarah Mears, explains how reading gives children the opportunity to practice feelings of empathy that they can transfer to real-life situations. Read the full blog here.

Mental health: Can reading books really teach empathy?

27th May 2021

'Teachers already know the power of empathy and how it can ensure that troubled children feel safe enough to learn.  But can we teach children to understand and connect with other people’s experiences? '

EmpathyLab founder Miranda Mckearney and author Jo Cotterill reflect on why books are a key tool in teaching empathy and why this year's Empathy Day theme of walking in another's shoes is so relevant. Read the full article here.

Smiley Talks

12 May 2021

Rae Snape chaired an inspiring discussion with our founder Miranda McKearney, teacher Kate Clarke and children's author Rashmi Sirdeshpande. The panel delved into the importance of teaching empathy, respect and wellbeing in schools: a powerful tool to equip young people to lead happy and fulfilling lives. If you missed the live stream, you can watch it here. Or click here here for edited highlights.

Teachwire - Read for Empathy

Judges Jon Biddle (Moorlands Primary Academy), Richard Charlesworth (Springwell School) and Sarah Mears (EmpathyLab co-founder) share their thoughts on 5 diverse titles to encourage compassion and help pupils gain insights into the lives of others. Read here.

Tiny Voice Talks

5 May 2021

Miranda McKearney, EmpathyLab founder was a guest on the Tiny Voice Talks podcast with primary teacher, Toria Bono. Find out all about empathy and how to download your free resources to make the most of Empathy Day. Listen here or wherever you stream your podcasts.

Empathy Day - a "magic bean"

29 April 2021

'What if I told you I could give you a Day that might change the way those kids see themselves and each other forever?'

Read author and teacher Jo Cotterill's reflections on how Empathy Day is such a powerful tool for primary and secondary teachers in her blog for our partners, Peters here.

EmpathyLab on Women’s Hour

19 October 2020

''...families can springboard off books to teach empathy skills"

EmpatyLab founder Miranda McKearney appeared on BBC Radio 4's Women's Hour to discuss how we can build children’s empathy skills in a segment titled How to Raise a Kind Child'

Beginning at 36:03, you can listen online or through the BBC Sounds app. 

Empathy – a new 'why' for the book industry

9 June 2020

'Sinek stresses the importance of every business finding its “WHY”. But it’s not often that an entire industry can develop a whole new “why” - an articulation of the social good generated by its products. That’s the position I believe the book industry is in'.

A powerful blog piece for The Bookseller from EmpathyLab founder Miranda McKearney, OBE, which can be read here.

Empathy skills and children

9 June 2020

'Reading to get inside the head of book characters is a wonderful way to practice empathy skills. And the research tells us that we can transfer the empathy we feel for fictional characters into real-life situations.'

EmpathyLab founder, Sarah Mears, discusses the importance of building children's empathy skills in a blog for Shapes for Schools, which can be read here.

Empathy: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

8 June 2020

'The hideous, racist killing of George Floyd has instigated protests and outrage the world over. But how do we start to articulate the complexity of racism with young people? How do we answer their questions? Stories can offer us a powerful, empathetic pathway.'

In an exclusive blog for Booktrust, Sita Brahmachari discusses empathy and its importance to her as a writer - read it here.

Helping children develop empathy

5 June 2020

'Empathy is one of the most important life skills we can give our children. Imagine the power of raising a whole generation of empathy-educated young people, determined to put it into action.'

Sarah Mears, co-founder of EmpathyLab,  shares her top tips for developing empathy in young people in a blog for The Scouts, which can be read here.

Teaching empathy in the classroom

4 June 2020

'Educationalists and psychologists identify empathy as both a crucial life skill and a key factor in children’s well-being. Empathy is a critical foundation for strong relationships, and without those, no child can thrive, or learn.'

In a blog for Oxford University Press, Miranda McKearney offers practical ways to teach empathy in the classroom - read it here.

Building empathy

5 June 2020

'When we empathize with others, we try to see a situation from their perspective and imagine what we’d feel if we were them. This is such a crucial part of human communication, and can help to remove negativity from our daily experiences.'

Miranda McKearney, OBE shares five ways to develop empathy in children on Azoomee - read it here.

Talking points and main issues for the children's book world in 2020

January 2020

Key figures, including EmpathyLab founder, Miranda McKearney OBE, share their new year predictions with Books For Keeps. 

In the face of society’s empathy crisis, is the industry poised to drive forward a new empathy movement? 

Read the full article here.

Empathy: why pupils need to develop it more than ever

10 June 2019

Cath Howe writes in the tes about the role books play in equipping young people with strong empathy skills and how this can be a major engine for social change.

Read the full article here.

The Empathy Circle

7 June 2019

Nine children’s publishers have joined a new collective to boost the work of EmpathyLab.

"Children are growing up with a huge number of challenges and publishers are very conscious of those challenges." Miranda McKearney, EmpathyLab's founder, told The Bookseller.

Read the full article here.

New empathy pre-school series and game

1 April 2019

Hopster, the preschool learning and entertainment app, have just announced a new original series and game to encourage empathy. 

The Saturday Club game was developed in consultation with EmpathyLab and we are delighted to be working with Hopster to encourage empathy amongst the very young. 

You can watch the trailer here.

EmpathyLab Heritage Project

March 2019

The March 2019 issue of Books For Keeps features an article on the project EmpathyLab ran in partnership with The Scout Association Heritage Service - Moving Connections: Scouting and Displaced People.

The article shows some of the fabulous creative work the children produced with award winning children’s illustrator, Jane Ray, and can be found here.

The Future Ready Fund grantees

28 February 2019

'We are excited to announce the ten successful projects who demonstrated great potential to expand their work, learn more about how it develops the target skills in young people, and achieve long-term, sustainable impact.'

In 2019, we were thrilled to be one of ten projects across the UK granted £500,000 from Nesta's Future Ready Fund. Find out more here.

How reading can boost empathy

12 June 2018

'Here's a question for you: how empathic do you think you are? As a teacher, it's likely that your answer will be 'very'. But how empathetic do you think your pupils are? This answer may vary more.'

The tes ran an article on reading and empathy to coincide with Empathy Day 2018 - registered users can read the full article here.

How to build empathy in the classroom, one story at a time

1 June 2018

How one school’s EmpathyLab project on refugees shifted pupil attitudes about the world and their place in it.

The full article can be found here.

The Empathy Instinct 

22 January 2017

The departing head of Arts Council England, Sir Peter Bazalgette, reflects on the thill of artistic magnificence and discusses his book, The Empathy Instinct, with The Guardian - a book we are proud to feature in.

The full article can be found here.

How reading can teach empathy

13 May 2015

'The benefits of reading go far beyond literacy: an emerging body of research highlights the power of stories to help children handle their own and other people’s feelings.'

This article published in The Guardian in 2015 generated enormous interest, with several teachers getting in touch to share their experiences with using books to teach children about emotions and empathy.  Read the full article here.

Other media

EmpathyLab has also been featured in children's newspaper, First News, multiple local radio interviews and in The Big Issue.

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