This page contains all the fabulous videos from Empathy Day 2020. We have a brand new programme lined up for Empathy Day 2021 on 10 June. Click here for more information.
Empathy Day - 9 June 2020
Thank you to everyone who joined in with our fabulous online programme. We hope you all enjoyed it and are eager to use your empathy super powers to make the world a better place.
It was lovely seeing all your beautiful empathy glasses and empathy resolution posters. We will share as many of them as possible over the next few days.
All the videos from the day are collected below so if there’s anything you missed, you can watch it now.
Feeling inspired? Share your ReadforEmpathy book recommendations with your friends and family. Think about how to put empathy into action in your community. Empathy is needed now more than ever. After all, every day should be empathy day.