6m - Aims

6 Month Programme

Aims of the Programme

  • To introduce pupils, schools and their wider communities to basic empathy principles and skills – what these are, why they are important and how reading helps in their development

  • To use a whole school/whole key stage/year-group approach to embed this key social and emotional skill, employing creative, immersive and pupil-led approaches to learning

  • Curriculum for Wales: to support schools in using fiction to develop empathy across all curriculum areas, from AoLEs to developing the characteristics in the Four Purposes

  • To provide a practical experience of different ways to promote reading, combining an empathy focus with reading for pleasure

  • To support the development of empathic communication skills, including active listening

  • To increase pupil agency/ pro-social attitudes, using book character role models to help pupils understand how acts of empathy can change things for the better

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